All these characters courtesy of Brian Wilson (except for Andy)
Taka has been longing to fill a void in his life. But he doesn't know what it is, so he's taken on a multitude of jobs to hopefully help him find his niche.
Yagi is Taka's best friend dispite his sanity often being thrown into question. His range of skills serve him well if he can focus them.
Being one of Fiji Underground's top ranked agents, it is no suprise that Neko was actually raised on the island by the agency. However, she lacks real world experience.
Uma was a mercenary until Fiji Underground recruited him. It is not known why he joined, but his loyalty seems unending.
The General
Who is this 'The General', and why is the picture a question mark? No, really, anyone? I forgot. Well, more to come on this shady figure.
Andy C.
Andy is Andy. Not really a character. This is just proof that nobody can draw themselves.